Connect & Collaborate with the Energy
Wishing to be Born Through You
Three months dedicated to your connection, clarity, and creativity with two pathways for your choosing: Make Space For Baby (preconception preparation) or Make Space For Life (consciousness elevation and support as you enter a new chapter in life, like, starting a new business, moving, ending a relationship, or reclaiming your spiritual gifts).
Sessions include deep inquiry, frequency shifts (exit your default mindset), evidence-based research, strategic coaching, and tools that promote habit change.
Your journey begins with an Opening The Field Ceremony. When the field is open, you are prepared for a process of communication and transformation. Insights and healing will happen in sessions and beyond. Expect clear knowing to arrive in your dreams, upon waking and whilst washing the dishes. Your experiences and tools received will last a lifetime and can be applied to all aspects of your life.

Messages await you but you’ve been too busy to hear. Distractions abound yet your desire does not dissipate. You know there is an energy that must be expressed through you and only you. This may be a book, a baby, or a new life direction. Together and within a sacredly held container, you will be guided to connect with what truly matters - the blessings of Spirit that can only be born through you.

Which way to turn - left or right? Which vision to nurture? Which option to choose? Confusion clouds your ability to take action, however, when you receive clarity, nothing holds you back. Clarity is the gift that all of my clients receive from this investment. This is the space where your vision becomes crystal clear and you acquire the courage (and conviction!) to take every step forward.

What is getting in the way? Fertility - the ability to create new life - is nurtured by your clarity of intention, the conditions of your environment (inner and outer), and your alignment with divine timing. I help you identify and address the blocks and conflicting emotions that may be impeding manifestation. Through this process, you regain your vitality, faith, and ability to create new life.
Both Sacred Containers Include:
- 3x Monthly 90-Minute Coaching Sessions and Somatic Wisdom Journeys
- Two 60-Minute Ceremonies Including Opening The Field and Closing The Field
- Session Summary Notes (You Will Absolutely LOVE These Reflection Notes Highlighting Your Expressed Wisdom and Next Steps for Integration)
- Homeplay and Inspired Action Steps
- Unlimited Text and Audio Coaching Via Telegram (Connection So You Can Share Your Insights and Process Your Experience In Real-Time As Life Is Happening)
- Session Recordings
- Supportive Self-Care Media
- Bonus: Special Gift Mailed Direct to You

Conscious Conception Coaching to Bring Forward Baby
Have you experienced a pregnancy delay or disappointment? Do you want to parent differently than your family of origin? Or, are you considering becoming a parent and you want to embrace the sacred window of preconception preparation?
This is for women and their partners ready to:
- Regain their confidence in the fertility process
- Communicate with the energy wishing to come through
- Cultivate an optimum environment for conception
- Release harmful habits and conflicting emotions
- Address ancestral patterns of pain and transform them into power
- Identify the values and belief systems they would like to pass on
- Heal and release guilt, shame, and fear related to abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, assault, and violation
- Remove blocks to manifestation
Through in-session experiences and strategic coaching supported by out-of-session assignments, you will receive templates and visible tools for connecting with your spirit baby - the energy wishing to be born through you - as you prioritize self-care and realign to what truly matters. Emerge from the container with grounded action and alignment.
Conscious Conception Coaching is Legacy Work
What are you ready to bring forward?
The investment for this sacred container begins at $5500. Schedule a complimentary 20-minute Alignment Session to see if this work is right for you.
Book Your Free Alignment Session

“My time with Jocelyn was the perfect shift for me. I reached out to Jocelyn because I wanted to work through the process of conscious conception. Jocelyn helped me to find the sources of stress in my life, which helped me to slowly work towards finding more peace. We worked through many of my fears related to pregnancy and parenting. Our sessions helped me to connect back to myself and also helped me to connect to my partner so that we could make sure we were on the same page prior to trying for a baby.
I am excited to say that I am expecting a baby boy this winter, and I have felt very calm and centered during my pregnancy. I am so thankful for my time with Jocelyn and grateful that Jocelyn was able to share her gifts with me.”
Emily, Pilates Instructor
“I came to Jocelyn with 4.5 years of unsuccessful IVF and 2-3 years of infertility prior to that and wanted to work on overhauling my long-held patterns of overwork and needing external validation in order to cultivate a viable, healthy, nurturing home for a baby. Sessions with Jocelyn guided me to immediately dive into profound conversations with different parts of myself, which helped me have the courage and the consistent strength to make important changes in my life.
I am beyond thrilled to say that during my time working with Jocelyn, what feels like a miracle actually happened: I became pregnant!”
Dr. Uyen-Khanh, Geriatric Psychiatrist

Conscious Conception Coaching To Help You Take Center Stage In Your Life
Do you fear being “too much”? Are there old chapters and patterns that you are ready to complete? Are you ready to stand in your power and course correct to your highest destiny path? This is great for people who are looking to start a new business, moving, ending a relationship, or looking to reclaim their spiritual gifts.
Get Ready For:
- On-demand access to your personal and ancestral wisdom
- Reclamation of lost and hidden parts of self (our treasures found!)
- Completion of past cycles and negative habits
- Remembrance of who you are and the purpose of your being
- Course correction to your divine right partnerships and highest destiny path
- Faster manifestation cycles
- Clarity with your next steps and the ability to make clear cut, no bs decisions aligned with your values, goals, and dreams
- Sacred celebration
- Miracles, flow, and grace
- Renewed vigor for life
Through in-session experiences and strategic coaching supported by your out of session assignments, you will have templates and visible tools for closing old chapters, reclaiming lost aspects of self, and stepping front and center upon the stage of your life. You will emerge from this container feeling light and optimistic - grateful for the chapters past and to come. You will receive the gifts of clarity, grounded action, and alignment. Alignment removes obstacles and allows for miracles and flow. Your experiences and tools received will last a lifetime and can be applied to all aspects of your life.
The investment for this sacred container begins at $5500. Schedule a complimentary 20-minute Alignment Session to see if this work is right for you.
Book Your Free Alignment Session

“Everyone has a secret name. A name whispered in their ear in the sacred primordial womb, spoken to bone and blood. In my time working with Jocelyn—spiritual doula, somatic embodiment guide, intuitive healer—not only did I unearth my sacred name, but I also discovered my medicine, my calling, lost dreams, the reason I exist in this beautiful flesh. Thank you, Jocelyn, for cultivating a safe and holy space for me to journey into this process of intentional rebirthing. I am rewriting the entire story of my life.”
Christine Lincoln, Author
“Working with Jocelyn has been an amazing experience. She holds a safe, trusting, insightful space. She facilitates with huge clarity and reflection. Her support is invaluable. She is a modern day wise woman who listens with a deep presence. She has supported me in a very transformational time in my life, I'm so grateful. With her support I have been able to drop deeper into self trust of my own gifts and sense of empowerment. Jocelyn is extremely professional and organised during and in between the sessions. I highly recommend working with her.”
Sarah, Herbalist and Entrepreneur