My name is Jocelyn, and I am here to help you reconnect to the Sacred Wisdom Held Within Your Body.

We live in a time where the media, experts, and social media influence mindset and culture. In this extremely polarizing era, it can be easy to live in overwhelm and uncertainty, pressured toward decision and challenged in hearing one’s own truth.
Add to those centuries of denial of the voice of the feminine along with the dishonoring of her body, and you have probably learned to:
- Ignore or misunderstand your body’s signs and signals
- Say Yes when you really mean No
- Hide aspects of yourself and undermine some of your gifts
- Feel guilt or fear when expressing your boundaries
- Look outside of yourself for validation and appraisal
- Choose busyness over clarity, focus, and purposeful action
- Forget that you have the power and the divine birthright to create new life including another human, a beautiful creative expression, and a lifestyle you love.
It is time to unlearn the above.
It is time to establish a legacy where the gifts of the feminine are honored (imagine this future for our Earth family!).
It is time to go within and listen.
It is time to birth a new era.
Access Your Inner Wisdom & Put Old Wounds To Rest
As a Somatic Wisdom Guide, Conscious Conception Coach, and author, I show ambitious and time-strapped women how to connect with their body and intuition so they can overcome external validation seeking, access their inner wisdom, put old wounds to rest, and claim their magnificent gifts of creation. I’ve always known that I was born to help bridge heaven on earth and to do so through movement and the disruption of unhealthy patterns along the motherline. Navigating a challenging relationship with my mother (one of my gurus in this life) and becoming a mother of two young queens has provided the potent landscape for living my mission and helping 1000s of women around the world understand their body’s signals and signs so they can trust themselves, transform pain into power, and take center stage upon this epic journey called Life!
Lineage Healing; 20 Generations Forward
I remember standing in the bathroom as a child, between the age of three and five, and feeling into my matrilineal timeline. Opening the medicine cabinet and adjusting the hinge provided a reflection in the mirror above the sink. I was struck by a moment of seeing myself through infinite reflections. In this moment, I witnessed a thread weaving me backward and forward through the generations and timelines.
This moment showed me that I entered the family constellation to clear a mother-daughter distortion expressed as betrayal. I remember feeling into this as a young child without even knowing the “story” that wove its way between my great-grandmother and my grandmother, my grandmother and my mother, and at that time, between my mom and me. I could feel the ripples of concentric circles that extended beyond those I knew. This I knew for sure - the cycle ended with me.
My life changed [again] the moment I realized I had the power to heal myself.
At the age of 10, after two years of being diagnosed with having petit mal (small bad) epilepsy and having seizures during my sleep which woke me up in the early morning hours and disrupted the calm start my mother, a solo parent and corporate executive, and I needed to start the day, I “woke up” whilst asleep and simply said “No. Not today.” That was my last seizure.
I instinctively knew not to share this experience with others. Knowing that through their loving yet limiting lens, they would attempt to invalidate my experience and what I knew was true - Spirit had revealed to me that consciousness - the mind mixed with innocence - has the power to heal.
This experience is one of my many teachers of Presence.
Feeling those precursor sensations to the seizure initiated me into subtle awareness and possibility. This journey was amplified years later in moments of sexual abuse - I was present to my voice flying away and my body experiencing new uninvited sensations, yet not feeling empowered to do anything about it. The revelation in the mirror, the birth of my daughters, and a 10-year conscious conception journey with Sienna helped me reclaim my power, voice, and sovereignty. The experiences above and a lifelong dedication to the healing arts which includes thousands of hours of training and practice in mindfulness meditation, pan-African dance, energy and prayer work, movement, and yoga therapy, provide me with the tools to teach and assist others in the reclamation of their embodiment, intuition and creative potential.
Presence is the primary ingredient for healing.
My greatest teachers include my family, my clients, and students, my relationship with Great Spirit, amazing mentors, and the potent transmissions received whilst living in Bermuda, Big Sur (land of the Esselen Tribe), Bali, and New Zealand.
I am an ordained Shamanic Minister and I hold a Bachelors of Science along with multiple certifications in the healing arts acquired since 1997. In 2010, I created HoopYogini, a transformative holistic fitness practice that combines hula hooping with hatha yoga and mindfulness meditation and teaches people how to gracefully navigate life’s changes and challenges.
I am here to help women become fertile in their bodies, business, and life.
My Training Highlights
Apprenticeship with Rosa Deanda, Mexican elder and activist, Founder of The Marigold Project and Executive Director of the SF Dia de los Muertos community altar celebration
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy with Michael Lee and Karen Hasskarl
Holistic Pelvic Care with Dr. Tami Lynn Kent
Fertility Optimization with Dr. Jessica Drummond
Shamanic Breathwork with Linda Star Wolf
Advanced Birth Worker Skills with Ibu Robin Lim, Debra Pascali-Bonaro and Mala Land
Kambo Practitioner Certification with Neal Henegar and Victor Escobar
Theta Healing Advanced with Alexis Ware
Genesis Life Coaching Institute
Nationally Certified Massage Therapist
RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance

Called a "Yoga Rebel" by Yoga Journal Magazine, Jocelyn is the creator of HoopYogini™ and Bhakti Boogie® Yoga, holistic fitness practices merging dance with yoga and meditation.
She teaches and tours with Wanderlust Yoga Festivals, offers online and in-person teacher trainings and strives to live and raise her family as global citizens.
Jocelyn Gordon is also a Conscious Conception Coach helping women and couples up-level their health and vitality before conception and during pregnancy. Her work supports women with fertility, embodiment and leadership.
Schedule Your Free 20-Minute Alignment SessionRead my chapter in - Ye Mama Ya: Healing The Heart of the Hurts of The Mother Wound in Ancient Future Unity
Read Now“Reading Jocelyn Gordon’s words, I felt as if I was sitting by the fire of illumination as she detailed a way of body and spirit reclamation for our true feminine power by tracing and repairing the lineage fractures that exist in all of our mother lines—and especially for black mothers. Jocelyn has traveled this path and, as the dream of her ancestors, blessedly weaves words to lead others on this powerful healing journey."
Tami Lynn Kim, Author of Wild Feminine

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